Ever­y­thing about ope­ra­ting your Atmos clock


On this ins­truc­tion page, you will find detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on how to use your Atmos clock. We explain how to pro­per­ly lock your clock, whe­re it is best to set it up, and how to adjust it. In addi­ti­on, pro­ce­du­res if you should have any pro­blems with your clock.
If you have any fur­ther ques­ti­ons or pro­blems, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us via mail or by pho­ne at +49 178 8170 215. 


  • Never move the Atmos clock wit­hout locking it first.
  • Do not move the hour hand.
  • Move the minu­te hand clock­wi­se only.


1. Loca­ti­on

Choo­se a quiet, sta­ble, and pre­fer­a­b­ly vibra­ti­on-free place for the Atmos clock. Becau­se of the tem­pe­ra­tu­re fluc­tua­tions, places on out­side walls are pre­fera­ble. Be careful not to expo­se the clock to sun­light, as it can dama­ge the gold pla­ting and fade the dial.

2. Set­ting up

If pre­sent, first loo­sen the locking screw under the clock as far as it will go.

Place the clock in its inten­ded loca­ti­on and ali­gn it with the front set screws using the bubble level to ensu­re high accuracy.

3. Adjus­t­ment

If your clock is not yet locked, lock it befo­re set­ting the clock.
Now careful­ly set the time a few minu­tes ahead of the cur­rent time, clock­wi­se and by the minu­te hand only. Do not touch the dial.
If you wish to set your clock from sum­mer to win­ter time, i.e. one hour back, note to turn the minu­te hand for­ward 11 turns (hours) to reach the desi­red time.

Set­ting the moon pha­se on calib­re 544

If your clock has a com­pli­ca­ti­on for dis­play­ing the moon pha­se, you can adjust it, depen­ding on the model. The­re is usual­ly a small slot abo­ve the moon pha­se, through which you can use a tool or tooth­pick to set the moon pha­se. It is best to choo­se a full moon day to set the moon pha­se correctly.

Set­ting the moon pha­se and month­ly calen­dar on calib­re 562

If your Atmos has a moon pha­se and a year calen­dar, you can adjust both with the appro­pria­te tool. First use one side of the tool to turn the set­ting screw in the cent­re of the moon pha­se to adjust both the calen­dar and the moon pha­se. Note only the posi­ti­on of the calen­dar. Then use the other side of the tool to adjust the moon phase.

4. Start

Wait until the pre­set time and release the locking lever from right to left. On some clocks, this is some­what stiff. Release the lever slow­ly so as not to give the pen­dulum any addi­tio­nal swing, other­wi­se, dama­ge to the anchor fork may occur. The pen­dulum now turns free­ly and needs a few days to find its swing.

5. Fine tuning

You can fine-tune the clock using the small adjus­t­ment lever abo­ve the dial. One stro­ke to the right or left cor­re­sponds to appro­xi­m­ate­ly 10–15 seconds of cor­rec­tion in 24 hours of operation.

Wait until the rota­ting pen­dulum has tur­ned ful­ly to the right befo­re you want to lock your clock or adjust the time. Now move the locking lever from left to right and lock the pen­dulum. Make sure the move­ment is smooth and even. The lever must be pushed all the way to the right side.

Do not turn the minu­te hand under any cir­cum­s­tances, but careful­ly turn the rota­ting pen­dulum to the right by a maxi­mum of 180 degrees with your fin­ger. Then lock the clock with the locking lever. Now you can set the cor­rect time on the minu­te hand as descri­bed in the “Adjus­t­ment” sec­tion. After­ward, you can release the locking lever again, the clock will now start again. If it stops again after some time, you can now be sure that the clock needs a revi­si­on. Often it will run again for weeks, months, or years, depen­ding on what cau­sed the stop.

Look at the clock side­ways to get a clear view of the lower end of the pen­dulum whe­re it pas­ses through a nar­row ope­ning in the pla­te. Cen­ter the pen­dulum by the ope­ning with the pivot feet. When the small pla­te is cen­te­red just abo­ve the ope­ning, you have cor­rect­ly adjus­ted your clock.

If your Atmos is pla­ced in a rela­tively cool room during the cold sea­son (con­stant­ly below 16–17 degrees), tre­at your clock to some warmth from time to time. To do this, lock your Atmos as descri­bed in the locking sec­tion. This will secu­re the clock and you can put it in a war­mer room for a day or two. This way you will ensu­re the win­ding func­tion and your clock will thank you! When releasing the locking lever, always make sure that the rota­ting pen­dulum does not start with momentum.

We often recei­ve emails from con­cer­ned cus­to­mers who­se Atmos clocks have stop­ped. They often fear that a major repair is due and that the pres­su­re cell or the pen­dulum spring is defec­ti­ve. You don’t have to worry about that for the time being becau­se in 99% of the cases only a revi­si­on is due and if the clock has not been mis­hand­led, no spa­re parts are needed.

A revi­si­on is due with each Atmos clock depen­ding upon envi­ron­men­tal influen­ces and loca­ti­on approx. every 10–25 years. The move­ment is dis­as­sem­bled into its parts, which are then che­cked and careful­ly clea­ned. The move­ment is then reas­sem­bled, its rate and accu­ra­cy che­cked and fine-tun­ed over seve­ral weeks. If parts, such as the pres­su­re box or a cra­cked tor­si­on pen­dulum spring, need to be repla­ced, we will of cour­se cont­act you after an initi­al app­rai­sal. If desi­red, gold pla­ting, nickel pla­ting, rho­di­um pla­ting, or sil­ver pla­ting of the case is also possible.

Just cont­act us and we can send you a pre­pared, soft pad­ded ship­ping box to make the trans­port safe for your Atmos. We will then be hap­py to refur­bish your Atmos. If you wish for the best-insu­red trans­port of valu­ables, we can also offer or orga­ni­ze this trans­port of valu­ables, from door to door. Just cont­act us, and we will be hap­py to help you.


Alexander Heeg
Burkarderstraße 36
97082 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 1788170215
E-Mail: info@atmos-atelier.de

Rüdiger Heeg
Wilhelmstraße 59
63741 Aschaffenburg
Tel.: +49 1759371074
E-Mail: zz-zahnraedchen@hotmail.de