Give an Atmos clock a new home

Cur­rent offers

Atmos Uhr Aktuelle Angebote Ebay

We always have some models for sale and in addi­ti­on a well-kept coll­ec­tion. The­se we offer on ebay or on Chrono24. The pri­ces vary, due to the com­mis­si­on to be com­pen­sa­ted, as well as neces­sa­ry room for nego­tia­ti­on. If you are inte­res­ted in one of the clocks, plea­se cont­act us direct­ly and we will make you an offer.

For spe­cial requests, plea­se cont­act us by mail or pho­ne. We also keep wai­ting lists and are hap­py to take search requests for Atmos clocks of any kind.

We give your Atmos clock a new home

Purcha­se of your Atmos clock

Do you have an ATMOS for which you are loo­king for a buy­er? An ATMOS that per­haps does not fit your inte­ri­or? May­be an ATMOS that has­n’t been run­ning for a long time and is eking out an exis­tence in the clo­set? Or an ATMOS from an estate that you no lon­ger like and does not match your style? We will be hap­py to help you and make you a fair & reasonable offer. We are also hap­py to pro­vi­de you with infor­ma­ti­on about your ATMOS, such as model, cali­ber, year of manu­fac­tu­re, pos­si­ble mar­ket value, etc. We will purcha­se your ATMOS, or ATMOS parts/spare parts and just need a litt­le infor­ma­ti­on about your clock. We also offer to send you a ship­ping box pre­pared for your ATMOS, so that the clock can be ship­ped soft­ly pad­ded and safe. We have the best expe­ri­ence with this.

Just call us or wri­te us.

Die Atmos Uhr Geschichte der Atmos

Alexander Heeg
Burkarderstraße 36
97082 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 1788170215

Rüdiger Heeg
Wilhelmstraße 59
63741 Aschaffenburg
Tel.: +49 1759371074