Around the Atmos clock

Revi­si­on & Service

Atmos Uhr Aufbau Zerlegung
Your Atmos needs help

a revi­si­on?

An ATMOS needs an over­haul about every 10–25 years, depen­ding on “envi­ron­men­tal influen­ces“ and loca­ti­on. The “fric­tion­al resis­tances“ in the move­ment increase gra­du­al­ly, and so it seems that it slow­ly “falls asleep“, the rota­ting pen­dulum swings with less and less “amplitude“—until it stops com­ple­te­ly. Then we will be hap­py to take care of your ATMOS. We have seen clocks that have run for 30 years and more wit­hout revi­si­on and others that were alre­a­dy on the work­ta­ble after 5 years (e.g. some Atmos Du Mil­len­aire or Trans­pa­ren­te with moon pha­se etc. come after 13–15 years alre­a­dy, they have a bit more “to drag“ with the com­pli­ca­ti­ons…). Don’t worry, we have ple­nty of expe­ri­ence, know-how, and lots of ori­gi­nal spa­re parts (if nee­ded). Just wri­te to us when the time comes. So far, we have been able to bring almost every Atmos clock back to life… 

We will be hap­py to repair your Atmos and take care of the ser­vice / revi­si­on. In addi­ti­on to the revi­si­on of the move­ment, we also per­form the adjus­t­ment and timing as well as the clea­ning of the glass and the housing as part of a tho­rough job. Addi­tio­nal cos­ts will be incur­red depen­ding on the con­di­ti­on of your watch. A revi­si­on of an Atmos watch usual­ly cos­ts around 550€. We will be hap­py to give you a pre­cise cost esti­ma­te upon receipt of your clock — this is free of char­ge with us. Should addi­tio­nal cos­ts be incur­red due to spa­re parts, we will always cont­act you and of cour­se let you know in advance.

Some cali­bers requi­re more effort, for exam­p­le, the Ven­do­me, Jubilée, Pres­ti­ge, Ope­ra and the ATMOS Atlan­tis, Atmos Mil­len­aire and other “spe­cial models”. Espe­ci­al­ly the Reut­ter models requi­re more effort and so revision/repairs are more expen­si­ve for the­se models. Of cour­se, we also offer you a cost esti­ma­te if you wish. If you own one of the men­tio­ned spe­cial models, plea­se ask for a cost esti­ma­te. We will be hap­py to help you here.

To ensu­re safe ship­ping, we also have seve­ral opti­ons to have your ATMOS trans­por­ted to us, ran­ging from pre­pared ship­ping car­tons to Valo­ren shipping—door to door—fully insu­red and reliable.

Atmos Uhr Zifferblatt Details

Sim­ply cont­act us and within a few weeks, your ATMOS clock will be back at its old place—in new sple­ndor. Nor­mal­ly the com­ple­te revi­si­on takes about four to six weeks and your ATMOS is back at yours.

A nor­mal ser­vice nor­mal­ly is suf­fi­ci­ent to give your ATMOS clock a new life. If neces­sa­ry, we will of cour­se also replace defec­ti­ve tor­si­on springs, bro­ken minu­te wheels, or defec­ti­ve pres­su­re cans. So far we have brought every ‘pati­ent’ on our work­bench back to life.


Work steps

We dis­as­sem­ble the move­ment into all its parts, check and clean the pla­tes, wheels, and rubies, reas­sem­ble the move­ment and then check the rate and accu­ra­cy over seve­ral weeks. If parts, such as the pres­su­re box or a cra­cked oscil­la­ting spring, need to be repla­ced, we will of cour­se cont­act you imme­dia­te­ly after an initi­al inspection.
If you wish a new gold pla­ting, nickel pla­ting, rho­di­um pla­ting, sil­ver pla­ting, etc. of the case, then plea­se cont­act us. We will be hap­py to dis­cuss details with you. 

Atmos Uhr Zerlegung Details
Atmos Originalkarton

Ship­ment of the clock

You are wel­co­me to bring the clock in per­son or you can send it to us packed in the best way. For this, I can email you a descrip­ti­on of how to best pack the clock, so that your clock can also enjoy the trans­port and arri­ve wit­hout pro­blems. (Loca­ti­on A: 53343—near Bonn, Loca­ti­on B: 97070—Würzburg, Loca­ti­on C: 63741—Aschaffenburg). Plea­se cont­act us in both cases to dis­cuss details. We have alre­a­dy ship­ped many hundreds of ATMOS clocks—all over the world—trust our expe­ri­ence. The right pack­ing method is essen­ti­al for the safe ship­ment of your clocks.
If you wish, we can also pro­vi­de a spe­cial ser­vice: we will send you a spe­ci­al­ly pre­pared ship­ping box to ship your ATMOS to us. This way we make sure that the clock will sur­vi­ve the trans­port wit­hout any dama­ge. If you are inte­res­ted in this ser­vice, plea­se cont­act us. 


Alexander Heeg
Burkarderstraße 36
97082 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 1788170215

Rüdiger Heeg
Wilhelmstraße 59
63741 Aschaffenburg
Tel.: +49 1759371074