If you have questions about ATMOS in general, or simply prefer personal contact to the “anonymity“ of the net, just contact us. If you are still looking for a specific ATMOS for your collection, please let us know, we can help you.
Alexander Heeg
Burkarderstraße 36
97082 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 1788170215
Rüdiger Heeg
Wilhelmstraße 59
63741 Aschaffenburg
Tel.: +49 1759371074
Our journey to the Atmos clock…
For more than 10 years, we as the Heeg family have been working on ATMOS clocks. Fascinated by their magic, we have already gained a lot of experience, revised a large number of different ATMOS models and calibers and partly—if they were in a bad condition — rebuilt them. Our self-developed serial number directory for ATMOS clocks starts with 1930 and ends at present approximately with 2017 (…and is still continued). From each production year we have had several watches on the workbench and revised. Over time we have built up a large network and are happy about every old and new contact.
Thinking back, I always enjoyed clocks, even before I saw my first Atmos. With about 20 I bought my first “Lenzkirch” regulator and a little later my first pocket watch. Some stays of several years in Great Britain—with the wonderful “Antique Faires” in the countryside—brought together a small collection of pocket watches. And of course many a wristwatch found its way to me. So at that time I had already disassembled one or the other spindle pocket watch and was occupied with special movements.
Around 1990, after a move, my son was once asked in the new kindergarten what his father’s profession was. He answered at that time with scarcely 4 years to the astonishment of the kindergarten teacher ‘My dad is a soldier, but actually—he is a clockmaker!
Then in 1992 I saw—rather by chance—the first ATMOS, and was fascinated. The consequence was, that I gave away all my other watches piece by piece and slowly found a few more ATMOS. So, little by little, I specialized exclusively on ATMOS clocks—It was hard to keep the fascination of this clock away from me.
In the meantime, I started to offer revisions or service for ATMOS clocks under “Zz-zahnraedchen” in eBay and occasionally put ATMOS clocks up for sale there. We get clocks from private customers as well as “patients” from different clock stores. This trust honors us—and we say thank you for it!
Regularly we offer a few of our treasures for sale here as well. With the clocks we offer, you can be sure to buy a completely overhauled and fully functional clock. The clocks are described by us in the best possible way and you can always look forward to a beautiful clock. Should there ever be any problems—which can always happen with these antique treasures—I have up to two years after the purchase or a revision always customer-oriented the clock again checked and—if necessary—restarted.
We enjoy working on and with this clock. And the people who are interested in these extraordinary clocks have always become pleasant conversation partners for us—not infrequently even friends.