We work up your clock


Atmos Uhr Seitenansicht, Kaliber 560

Do you want to refi­ne your Atmos clock? Do you have a watch with hea­vy signs of wear? A stained or com­ple­te­ly rub­bed off gold pla­ting? We will be hap­py to help you refi­ne your Atmos clock to bring it back to its for­mer glo­ry. Atmos wat­ches from Jae­ger-LeCoult­re have been around sin­ce the mid-1940s. Even today, the­re are many wat­ches from this time—not all of them have pas­sed the deca­des wit­hout a trace. That is why we have made it our busi­ness to res­to­re old Atmos wat­ches to their for­mer glo­ry. Bes­i­des the new gold pla­ting of the outer case parts, we can also offer com­ple­te rebuilds down to the smal­lest detail. Just ask us and we will be hap­py to advi­se you.

We have been working for years with a high­ly pro­fes­sio­nal elec­tro­pla­ting com­pa­ny that imple­ments our high stan­dards for pre­cious coa­tings 100%. Various opti­ons are available here. Here we work per­fect­ly down to the finest detail.

It is best to cont­act us, the best advice hap­pens indi­vi­du­al­ly. We can respond spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to your wis­hes or imple­ment a res­to­ra­ti­on true to the ori­gi­nal. From a simp­le re-gil­ding of the case to a com­ple­te rebuil­ding of a form­er­ly gold-pla­ted watch in pla­ti­num and nickel, ever­y­thing is possible.

Dif­fe­rent pos­si­bi­li­ties of gal­va­nic coa­ting are available, bes­i­des new gold pla­ting, pla­ti­num, or nickel, new sil­ver pla­ting is also pos­si­ble. Fan­cy pla­ting opti­ons like colo­red anodi­zing or “Dark Grey” chro­ma­tin is also available.

Atmos Atelier Uhr Zerlegung und Veredelung
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Alexander Heeg
Burkarderstraße 36
97082 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 1788170215
E-Mail: info@atmos-atelier.de

Rüdiger Heeg
Wilhelmstraße 59
63741 Aschaffenburg
Tel.: +49 1759371074
E-Mail: zz-zahnraedchen@hotmail.de