We are loo­king for­ward to your message!


If you have ques­ti­ons about ATMOS in gene­ral, or sim­ply pre­fer per­so­nal cont­act to the “anony­mi­ty“ of the net, just cont­act us. If you are still loo­king for a spe­ci­fic ATMOS for your coll­ec­tion, plea­se let us know, we can help you. 


    Alex­an­der Heeg
    Bur­kar­der­stra­ße 36
    97082 Würzburg
    Tel.: +49 1788170215


    Rüdi­ger Heeg
    Wil­helm­stra­ße 59
    63741 Aschaffenburg
    Tel.: +49 1759371074

    About us

    Our jour­ney to the Atmos clock…

    For more than 10 years, we as the Heeg fami­ly have been working on ATMOS clocks. Fasci­na­ted by their magic, we have alre­a­dy gai­ned a lot of expe­ri­ence, revi­sed a lar­ge num­ber of dif­fe­rent ATMOS models and cali­bers and partly—if they were in a bad con­di­ti­on — rebuilt them. Our self-deve­lo­ped seri­al num­ber direc­to­ry for ATMOS clocks starts with 1930 and ends at pre­sent appro­xi­m­ate­ly with 2017 (…and is still con­tin­ued). From each pro­duc­tion year we have had seve­ral wat­ches on the work­bench and revi­sed. Over time we have built up a lar­ge net­work and are hap­py about every old and new contact.


    Thin­king back, I always enjoy­ed clocks, even befo­re I saw my first Atmos. With about 20 I bought my first “Lenz­kirch” regu­la­tor and a litt­le later my first pocket watch. Some stays of seve­ral years in Gre­at Britain—with the won­derful “Antique Fai­res” in the countryside—brought tog­e­ther a small coll­ec­tion of pocket wat­ches. And of cour­se many a wrist­watch found its way to me. So at that time I had alre­a­dy dis­as­sem­bled one or the other spind­le pocket watch and was occu­p­ied with spe­cial movements.

    Around 1990, after a move, my son was once asked in the new kin­der­gar­ten what his father’s pro­fes­si­on was. He ans­we­red at that time with scar­ce­ly 4 years to the asto­nish­ment of the kin­der­gar­ten tea­cher ‘My dad is a sol­dier, but actually—he is a clockmaker!

    Then in 1992 I saw—rather by chance—the first ATMOS, and was fasci­na­ted. The con­se­quence was, that I gave away all my other wat­ches pie­ce by pie­ce and slow­ly found a few more ATMOS. So, litt­le by litt­le, I spe­cia­li­zed exclu­si­ve­ly on ATMOS clocks—It was hard to keep the fasci­na­ti­on of this clock away from me.

    In the mean­ti­me, I star­ted to offer revi­si­ons or ser­vice for ATMOS clocks under “Zz-zahn­raed­chen” in eBay and occa­sio­nal­ly put ATMOS clocks up for sale the­re. We get clocks from pri­va­te cus­to­mers as well as “pati­ents” from dif­fe­rent clock stores. This trust honors us—and we say thank you for it!


    Regu­lar­ly we offer a few of our tre­asu­res for sale here as well. With the clocks we offer, you can be sure to buy a com­ple­te­ly over­hau­led and ful­ly func­tion­al clock. The clocks are descri­bed by us in the best pos­si­ble way and you can always look for­ward to a beau­tiful clock. Should the­re ever be any problems—which can always hap­pen with the­se antique treasures—I have up to two years after the purcha­se or a revi­si­on always cus­to­mer-ori­en­ted the clock again che­cked and—if necessary—restarted.

    We enjoy working on and with this clock. And the peo­p­le who are inte­res­ted in the­se extra­or­di­na­ry clocks have always beco­me plea­sant con­ver­sa­ti­on part­ners for us—not infre­quent­ly even friends.

    Atmos Zahnrad Revision
    Atmos Ersatzteile - Uhren Gewichte

    Alexander Heeg
    Burkarderstraße 36
    97082 Würzburg
    Tel.: +49 1788170215
    E-Mail: info@atmos-atelier.de

    Rüdiger Heeg
    Wilhelmstraße 59
    63741 Aschaffenburg
    Tel.: +49 1759371074
    E-Mail: zz-zahnraedchen@hotmail.de